Don’t tap on the glass, you’ll scare the nerd.

GetAttachmentThumbnail-2When you’re a nerd that has been raised by nerds (instead of being self-taught) it’s not surprising that you come across certain struggles when trying to interact with the rest of the world. It feels like your entire existence is a prolonged effort in trying to fit in with the cool kids at school. It’s like a constant personality culture shock. You can’t change the environment you were raised in as much as someone can’t help the colour hair they were born with.


If I were to give you brief, rundown of my upbringing stats it’d go like this;

Mum: member of MENSA, lived in the Far East in the early 80s, was a PA who then went on to run a computer engineering company, is scary good at maths, can read a book overnight, artistic, and an amazing cook

Dad: in the Who’s Who of Architecture, loves music of all forms, plays guitar, likes trains, stupidly artistic, enjoys walking, huge fan of cinema, Tolkein and Pratchett geek, loves history, and is an excellent drinker.

Sister: Tennis and lacrosse extraordinaire, fifteen years my senior, amazing at playing the piano, also plays the guitar, oh and the flute as well, introduced me to Madonna and Guns and Roses, had an awesome 80s perm, loves Snoopy and Garfield, used to play Sega Megadrive with me, took me on fun trips out in her car, and she’s always been monstrously successful at everything she’s done

I had the perfect upbringing and I couldn’t have wished for a more amazing and loving group of people to have raised me.

If I think back really hard I honestly think the first film I remember watching was Star Wars; it was everything to me. Princess Leia was the only princess I knew or cared about, Han Solo was my hero, and I wanted to be Boba Fett when I grew up. After that it was Indiana Jones, Ghostbusters, Back to the Future, and Batman. I watched everything my dad and sister would watch, they were open-minded enough to let me enjoy everything available to me. I’d sit and watch Blackadder and Red Dwarf, probably the reason I developed a dark and weird sense of humour so early on.

I was the weird kid who was out of time with everyone else her age. Save for my best friend, Sophie who practically lived in our house (and I in hers), she’s my soul mate and because we shared in each other’s upbringings we are the same. I got bullied and teased at school because I was so glaringly different.

In secondary school I found a group of girls who all shared the same quirky view on life that I did. There was my friend from prep school, Cat, and then there was Jeni, and Sarah. We became the weird goth kids who sat at the back of the class talking about programs like the Young Ones and Monty Python, we obsessed over bands like The Who and the Sex Pistols, and when Jeni managed to track down a VHS copy of A Clockwork Orange we knew we’d reached the height of rebellious cool (even if no one else knew wtf we were on about).

The safe environment we created for ourselves protected us and because we were all into the same weird shit as each other we all felt a little less lonely.

Then we all went our separate ways and (nervously) entered the world.

I scurried off to the University of Liverpool to study something super nerdy, Classics! Now, to me this was something I had never considered to be an unheard of subject, why would it be? Classics is the original degree. I came from a school that taught compulsory Latin and we did Classics at A-Level, I had learnt about Greek Myths and Roman history my whole life. My nerd brain would twitch with confusion when someone would say, “What’s that? Is that like music?”. I’d blink heavily and tell them that would, in fact, be a music degree. After a while I switched to just telling everyone I did Archaeology and was more than happy with being told I was “just like Indiana Jones”.

When it came to going out into the big scary world of adulting (adj: to do adult stuff) I was faced with the challenge of trying to function when not surrounded by like-minded people.

I learnt very quickly that what I considered to be common knowledge, you know the stuff you just know, wasn’t present in everyone else. Conversely, people realised very quickly that I wasn’t normal and it was like school all over again. I felt really isolated. What was to blame? Was it my upbringing, my intelligence, the type of schools I went to, my friends, or was it just me in general? I got by on talking about TV and fashion, easy!

Probably the most bizarre issue and difference in upbringing I was surprised to find I had was travelling, as in holidays. Growing up we would always go to our chalet in Switzerland for skiing in the winter. My dad threw a pair of skis on me as soon as I could stand up. In the summer we would go between the Lake District, Scotland, and Europe; we’d spent a few summers going to Spain and touring the mainland; staying at each Parador along the way. We never did holidays where you sat next to a pool for ten days and did fuck all; to this day the idea makes me feel sullied and unusual. I struggle to comprehend it when someone returns from holiday and upon being asked how it went all they talk about is how good the hotel was – personally, I don’t see the point in that kind of holiday, but it’s each to their own I guess. I’m 100% certain that there are people reading this, livid, because they think not moving from the confines of a hotel for a week is bliss and they can’t understand why I go on holiday to get up early every day and explore every inch of the place, visit all the museums, and learn all I can. I see each trip abroad as an insight into the beautiful and fascinating world we live in. I’ve walked through the Alhambra Palace, climbed mountains in Nepal, and stayed in a 17th Century castle amongst countless other wonderful things.

I feel my eclectic and eccentric personality hinder me. I wish I could be the fascinating and vibrant person everyone wants to invite over for dinner; like a Stephen Fry knock-off. Unless I’m in the right company, I have learnt to keep my mouth shut when I notice a reference to something, whether it be subtle or blatantly obvious, because I can’t stand the absent look of “oh, right” after I have to sit there are explain myself. How is it possible for people to make me feel stupid for knowing something? I don’t know, but they manage to. I never feel clever or proud for knowing anything, I find myself feeling ostracised for having a wider knowledge; it’s as if I can hear the angry mob coming to burn me as a witch, “she knows things we don’t, she’s not normal!”.

I’m not ashamed by my interests, upbringing, and education. I would much rather be enlightened and standing outside the cave than sat inside looking at the shadows (there’s a reference in there btw).

Even though I’ve been in the grown up world for years now, I still don’t feel like I fit in. I have my small group of friends who are equally as nerdy and weird as I am, but when someone says you should maybe avoid using words like ‘Sisyphean’ in your emails at work because nobody knows what it means, you’re swiftly knocked back down. Or the time when I was bellowed at by a woman who was having a fight with the photocopier after I told her it wasn’t working because Skynet had become self-aware and it was rebelling against us.

As I’ve said, being a pedigree nerd isolates you and I’ll always be branded as “weird” (said in a negative tone), BUT when a nerd finds another nerd it’s magic, and we can enjoy everything the world offers us.


Social media makes me hate myself (probably more than I stated in my previous blog about how dating sites make me hate myself)

For some of us, myself included, it is very rare that we share a photo of anything without editing it beforehand. Filtering selfies and pictures of our belongings to within an inch of their life is something we all seem to care very much about; it’s vastly important to ensure any photograph we share on social media is like something straight out of Italian Vogue.

I don’t think it is arrogance, at least not the majority of the time. I feel it is something that is rooted more in sadness than egotism which drives us to share pictures of anything and everything we are/own. We feel the need to fit in and social media has made us all feel that we need to portray this image of a perfect, successful, and happy lifestyle. We are all subconsciously competing with one another, and we need to make sure everything is wonderful in order to satisfy our inner feelings of insufficiency and fears of being an underachiever.

Now, speaking as someone who collects mental health disorders like they’re Pokemon, I can honestly say that the highly filtered social media image is a double edged sword of existential pain and happiness.

If you take a look at my Instagram account you’d think everything was hunky-dory and that I was super happy; not only with the things in my life, but also with myself. Well, here’s the sitch, I’m not! I’m filled with so much self-loathing and the feelings of anger, disgust, and shame when I look in the mirror are off the chart. I hate my physical GetAttachmentThumbnailappearance and I’m never happy with the way I look. I’m short, fat, I’ve got red hair, and someone once described me as “dumpy”; all I’m missing is a beard and I’d be a dead ringer for Gimli from The Lord of the Rings! Despite this, my social media accounts are littered with pictures of yours truly. So, if I hate myself so much, why would I share this loathsome appearance with complete strangers from all over the world, why would I want them to see me? Shouldn’t I be hiding my malformed ass away in a bell tower somewhere in Paris, where I belong?

Well, because I can take cleverly angled pictures and add the odd filter here and there, I can show people a shadow of what I could look like. I can look slimmer if I take a selfie in the mirror and position myself a certain way and a filter successfully hides the fact that I’m dead behind the eyes.

Once a photo has been posted the likes start coming in. We all know that even though your photo is a little white lie and you know deep down you don’t really look like that, it feels good to know your photo has been greeted by so much positivity and your ego is boosted a little.

Now, as a crazy person who lives alone and finds she talks to herself a lot, it’s not often a compliment is thrown my way. In fact, outside of likes social media and the rare occasion I see a human being socially, I just get insults cast upon me…..from myself…..constantly….. Am I so shallow that I feel the need for a compliment every now and then, for someone to acknowledge the way I look in a nice way compared to the daily berating I give myself? Is it so pathetic to feel better about yourself when those likes hit double figures? Yes. It is. For most of us that’s all we have to work with; we might be alone, some might have partners who don’t express themselves and despite thinking you’re the most amazing creature on the planet they don’t tell you, and there are the ones who see a troll staring back at us when we look in the mirror (me).

Taking a good selfie and editing it does make you feel better, but it also leads to something else I have found. Since we only see ourselves in the mirror, and our beautifully edited pictures, it scares the living shit out of you when you see yourself in a photo someone else has taken! When you see what you truly look like!

Some people are lucky enough to have friends, partners, family members, and even strangers who are kind when taking a photo of them. They’ll take it from the right angle and actually make the effort to ensure you look less like a potato in drag. Sadly, I don’t think I know anyone like this; the only people I know are the types who vaguely waft the camera in your general direction whilst taking a picture. Any photo that I am ‘not in control of’ leads to a horrifying revelation – I REALLY DO look as shit as my brain tells me! I’ve been lied to by every reflective surface I’ve ever encountered! How is it that you can sometimes look ok in the mirror, look ok when you look down at yourself from your own perspective, and look ok walking past a shop window, but when someone takes a picture of you the truth is captured, you look like this horrendous fat mess that needs to be put under house arrest with immediate effect until Gok Wan can be helicoptered in to give emergency assistance. It is because of this that I will refuse as often as possible whenever anyone offers to take my picture, and when it can’t be avoided I don’t want to see the result! My demons get worse when I see a true image of myself.

I like to hide behind my nice selfies that are me, but not really me. In my head that’s what I now look like and it’s like a pictorial safety blanket. It’s not the healthiest option when trying to tackle a crippled self-esteem, but it’s the modern way, apparently.

A dilapidated feeling of self-worth is an affliction I have always carried, being an underachiever armed with fierce intellect is frustrating (omg did you see that, I almost said something good about myself). I am the most unsuccessful creature out of everyone I’ve ever known, the black sheep of my affluent family. Ask me what I’m proud of and I’ll be unable to give you an answer; well, that’s a lie, if you catch me on a good day I’ll be able to proudly tell you, “I haven’t cried today”.

Social media is the gift that keeps on repeatedly smacking you in the face with how shit your life is.

I would say that the constant battle we seem to have with everyone in our lives, nay, the world(!) to have this Hallmark life and wonderful image of ourselves shared across the internet is unhealthy; it feeds our insecurity and makes us less satisfied with what we have both physically and materially. It’s just the next level on the scale of unhappiness and I’ve evolved my misery. As someone who already possessed a loathsome view of herself it’s hard for those on the outside to imagine how it could possibly get worse, but it does.


Why online dating makes me hate myself even more.


It is no secret that I have been successfully single and perpetually lonely for a long while now.

Sadly, the time we live in means that pretty much every aspect of our life is played out on the internet. We connect, catch up, make arrangements, and see people all from the comfort of our home – usually under a blanket on the couch looking like turd.

We can tell our mum all how about how people we went to school with are getting on, despite the fact we haven’t physically seen or spoken to them in over a decade; all thanks to the wonders of the internet.

Because of this it is now impossible to meet new people the old fashioned way. I have a couple of friends on facebook who I randomly met on nights out and we’ve become good Facebook friends, but these are people I met years and years ago, before we became even more heavily relient on the internet for ALL social interaction.

If someone you didn’t know tried to talk to you in a pub or a shop the chances are you’d freak out and think they were weird and trying to kidnap you. It’s sad that the old school way of making friends and forming relationships has now become so alien the majority of us perceive it to be sinister and creepy.

For those of us who are entering the realm of being “too old for this shit” and teetering on the edge of accepting the fact you’re going to die alone surrounded by 12 cats and a mountain of pizza boxes, knowing that the only reason the police found your body is because someone noticed you hadn’t posted on Instagram for a fortnight, the outlook is pretty grim.

We are forced into the dark and dingey meat market that is internet dating.

There are endless profiles; people who are blatantly new to this game because they’ve taken the time to write a lovely biography which tells you all about them and what they’re looking for, there are profiles that are blatantly catfish (guys, using pictures of Jensen Ackles doesn’t fool me), and then there are those who have been in this dark circle of Hell for too long and have edited their bio down to just a few short sentences; “yes i have my own teeth. no time wasters. no, i will not send nudes”

Websites like Plenty of Fish are stuffed to the rafters with profiles and as a girl it is beyond unpleasant.

The very first message I ever got, my introduction to the world of online dating, was from some random guy who didn’t even introduce himself or ask how I was, he just went straight in and asked, “do you like anal?”. I should have stopped right there, deleted my account, thrown the laptop out of the window, and just punched myself in the face to save everyone else the hassle.

I’m not tarnishing everyone out there with the same brush, but 96% of people you encounter are complete asshats!

I have stayed away from dating sites for months now, months and months, but recently decided to give it another go because where the fuck else do you find other singletons? All my friends are in relationships and all the friends of friends of friends of friends are also in relationships, or bat for the other team, or are dead.

Staying well away from Plenty of Fish like a shell-shocked soldier screaming, “don’t send me back, I can’t go back! You don’t know, man, you weren’t there!!”, I opted for a much more pleasant app (not Tinder!). So I swiped, and swiped, left it alone for a fortnight, swiped once or twice more, and got no matches.

Finally, one match came along, the first glimmer of hope in a long time! The ice breaker messages went well, but then it happened. There is about a five message buffer between introduction and depravity, he’d turned primal and started with the sexual refrences, oh and let’s not forget him thinking it was ok to send an unsolicited picture of his arse!

So, not only is it frustrating enough to be accused of being a catfish left, right, and centre – I’m sorry, I can’t help how I look!! I also have to contend with immediately being treated like an object and having someone’s bit and bobs presented to me when they were neither requested nor desired.


A photo of me, unfiltered, taken two days ago – not a catfish!

Guys, why do you consider this to be ok? Do you honestly think that acting like a ferral douchebag who can’t hold a conversation for ten minutes without blurting out perverted drivvel is going to make me (or anyone else) drawn to you? NO! It repels us with a 100% success rate. Please, for your own sake, pack it the fuck in!!

I am sick to the back teeth of numerous things and it is only a matter of time before I scream blue murder in the face of anyone who;

  • Tells me how beautiful, amazing, gorgeous, wonderful etc I am and how anybody would count themselves lucky to have me, and should be falling over themselves to do so. – I don’t believe you and you’re making me feel worse every time you say it because there is no evidence supporting your claim.
  • Tells me to, “enjoy being single” – go fuck yourself, seriously! I’ve never heard a more painful oxymoron. I’ve been single long enough now and loathed every second.
  • Asks if I’m a catfish – do you honestly think I have the time for that shit? What’s the point in catfishing?
  • Dishes out ANY form of sexual harrassment. You have no idea how negatively it makes a person feel about themselves. It instantly puts people off and if there was a HR department for life itself they would have a field day with some of the shit I’ve had said to me.
  • Tells me I’m “too picky”. No I’m not, is it so fucking shallow of me to want someone who I can actually stand the sight of? Am I that much of a narrow minded bitch for not wanting to be with someone I don’t fancy? Would you go out with someone who you don’t find attractive? No? Aaaah see, so don’t tell me I’m picky because I’m not. It’s not my fault that out of the bottom of the barrel scrapings I’m left to choose from there might only be one or two up for consideration.

I already started asking the question of, “what’s wrong with me” long ago and it’s now only a matter of time before I become bitter and twisted, disillusioned with it all, and start throwing shade at every wedding I go to.

How else am I supposed to feel? Explain to me how I’m not allowed to feel disheartened, lacking in confidence to the point of having gone beyond zero confidence, full of self-hate, and incessently alone, used and objectified.

Dating websties seem to be the only way for us, but it’s an evil we have to learn to endure, and sadly there is no guarantee you won’t die from facepalming just that little bit too hard one day and braining yourself.



“Aaawwwwwwrrrggghh what’s in the box?! What’s in the fucking box?!?!!”

Brad Pitt knew not to look in the box, but one girl didn’t……..


Our story begins with two Titan brothers, Epimetheus and Prometheus. In the run up to the impending battle between the Titans of the old world and the Olympian gods of the new era these two had sworn allegiance Zeus and the gods of Olympus. The reason why they had turned against their Titan brethren was that Prometheus possessed the gift of foresight and he knew who would come out on top. Zeus’ reward to Epimetheus and Prometheus for their tactical betrayal of the Titans was the gift of creation.

Epimetheus created the beasts that walk the earth. To protect his little fur babies he gave them each a special skill or form of protection; claws, sharp teeth, venom, the ability to wake you up at 4am just to remind you that you are slave to a fuzzy, four legged creature that meows endlessly and begs to go outside, but then once the door is actually opened it just sits there and looks at you like you’re a complete mug!!

Prometheus was tasked with molding mankind, but since Epimetheus had used up all the claws, talons, and cool bits to protect the animals there was nothing left for the humans. Realising that man would not last long at all, bumbling about with little more than an infantile brain and a sharp stick, he decided that fire would be the perfect gift! Zeus refused to allow this, fire was for the gods and it was too powerful and destructive for mortals to possess, they’d only fuck it up. Prometheus went ahead and gifted mankind with fire regardless of what Zeus said. He does what he wants #YOLO.

This did not go well.

As punishment for his hubris, Zeus had Prometheus bound to a rock high up on the Caucasus Mountains, far away where nobody could find him. Every day an eagle was sent to feast upon his liver and every night it grew back again, just to be eaten once more the following day. He didn’t see that coming did he?

Zeus didn’t stop there. He decided that man was also deserving of punishment, they shouldn’t have accepted the gift of fire. He created, Pandora; a woman created in the image of Aphrodite and possessing the gifts of wisdom, kindness, beauty, and generosity.

Pandora was to be given to Epimetheus as his wife. Despite being warned by his brother not to marry her, Epimetheus went ahead and did so anyway. As a wedding present, Zeus gave Pandora a box, but warned that she must never open it. He could have given them a slow cooker or a set of wine glasses like a normal person, but he gave the most curious woman on earth a shiny box and told her not to look inside.

Pandora couldn’t understand why someone would give her a box, but forbid her from opening it? What’s the point in that? What could possibly be inside?

She couldn’t resist any longer. She simply had to open that box!!

“Babe, don’t open the……oh….never mind….”


Pandora opened the lid and out flew the most terrible things. By opening the box she had unleashed all evil into the world; greed, envy, hatred, pain, disease, hunger, Donald Trump, poverty, war, and death. All of the misery and suffering that the world was previously oblivious to was now out gallivanting and stirring shit up.

“uh-oh…….” gazing open mouthed at the black cloud of malevolent torment that was spewing out of the box*, Pandora panicked. “Fuck! Make it stop, MAKE IT STOP!”

“Make it stop?!! HOW??!” bellowed Epimetheus “Too late now, it’s all flown out of the window! What are you doing?…..What good is that going to be? Oooh let’s put the lid back on because that’ll help loads won’t it!!”

Desperate to try and reverse what she had done, Pandora slammed the lid of the box shut, but it was too late.

There was only one thing left inside the box, one tiny little thing which never escaped, and that was hope.

It is argued that hope was left in the box to torment man, to make him suffer more. Rather than throw his life away due to the suffering of all the evils in the world, Zues wanted man to endure and be tormented further by the promise of hope still being out there, somewhere.

It was Nietzsche who said that, “hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torment of men.”

It is true that hope does eventually make things worse when you finally realise that life really is a mire of misery. This is why a pessimistic outlook is probably more healthy; if you expect things to always go to pot it’s a pleasant surprise when they don’t.

Pandora, being the first woman, set the trend for the rest of womankind and we now have the eternal reputation of not being able to keep our shit together around shiny things and the ability to always fuck things up!



*I am sure that a few other things crept out of that box. Giant spiders and all manner of weird critters scuttled out and found home on a small continent you and I now know as, Australia.

Remember, remember the fifth of November. Gunpowder, treason, and plot…..


Why am I writing this in March and not November? I don’t know. Fuck it, I do what I want. Anyway…..

I often forget that the 5th November is only a special day for UK; I have found myself at the receiving end of a very baffled look when asking friends in the US what they’re doing for Bonfire Night.

So, for those of you who do not know why the 5th November is so special, here is why.

The Gunpowder Plot of 1605 was a failed assassination attempt on the life of King James I. This disastrous venture was carried out by a group of Catholics led by a man called Robert Catesby. Their plan was to blow up the House of Lords during the state opening of parliament.

So, why did the Catholics have their medieval knickers in such a twist? Well, misogynistic fat mess King Henry VIII (1491 – 1547) had famously separated from Rome and took control of the church in England. This newly formed Protestant Church of England was a knee jerk reaction after Henry was refused the Pope’s blessing when he said he wanted to divorce his first wife in favour of his new bitch, Anne Boleyn. The Catholic Church is against divorce and views marriage as being a lifelong contract. This royal tantrum led to a new religion which enabled Henry to then go on and have six wives. So, the next time you don’t get your own way all you have to do is tell the Pope to “shove it” and create your own religion where you can do whatever the fuck you want.

When Henry’s daughter, Elizabeth succeeded the throne in 1558 she made it so that anyone appointed to a public or church office was to swear allegiance to the crown and recognise the monarch as head of both church and state. Anyone refusing to do so incurred fines and in some cases execution – we all know Elizabeth’s first words were, “off with their heads”. As a result of these changes Catholicism became marginalised and many continued to practice their faith in secret.


King James I

James I was already crowned king of Scotland in 1567 and succeeded Elizabeth as king of England and Ireland in 1603. His attitude towards Catholics was slightly more relaxed than that of Elizabeth. Instead of a “heads will roll” approach he would rather see people exiled. Despite his tendency to not favour capital punishment, James was still a target for zealous Catholics.

The plot to blow up the House of Lords was an attempt at killing many birds with one stone. Not only would the King be present, but many other senior members of state including relatives of the monarch, members of the Privy Council, senior judges, and bishops of the Church of England.

Details of the plot were exposed by an anonymous letter which was sent to William Parker, 4th Baron of Monteagle, on 26th October 1605. At the time the letter was received the King was at Butlins enjoying a mini-break, but upon his return to London on 1st November he was made aware of the dastardly plot to kill him. When reading the letter James picked up immediately on the word “blow”, whether this was an observation of a Freudian nature we don’t know, but he assumed that this hinted toward there being weaponry of an explosive nature involved.

A midnight search of the House of Lords on November 4th leads to the discovery of Guy Fawkes, a member of the Catholic conspirators’ squad. Fawkes was found in the company of thirty-six barrels of gunpowder and the means to set them alight.

“Ooh how did these get here? I’m just chillin’ gov’nor. You slag.”
Guy Fawkes 1605


As news of the plot’s discovery spread throughout London, Guy Fawkes’ co-conspirators began to flee the city. Many of them died fighting against the Sheriff of Worcester at Holbeche House. The survivors, including Fawkes, were put on trial on 27th January 1606; they were found guilty of high treason and sentenced to death.

Sir Edward Coke, Attorney General, declared that each would be dragged by horses, with their head near the ground, and then put to death in the traditional method of the time for such crimes; hung, drawn, and quartered. The condemned would first be hung by the neck, but not to the point of death – more like extremely inconvenient discomfort. They would then look forward to having their genitals chopped off and burnt in front of them. After their slap-dash and primitive gender reassignment operation they would have their bowels and heart removed. Finally the condemned would have their heads removed and the remains of their bodies cut into quarters and displayed across the four corners of the Kingdom.

Fawkes’ three accomplices all suffered this terrible execution, but Fawkes (who was to be executed last) was a sly bastard and managed to wriggle out of his torture by climbing too high before being hung and therefore breaking his neck. Nevertheless, his body was still mutilated and quartered.

To celebrate the King’s success in avoiding assassination November 5th was declared by an act of parliament to be a day of celebration and people were to light bonfires to mark this occasion, but that they were to be done so “provided that this testimony of joy be carefully done without any danger or disorder”, even in the 17th Century people were already suffering the restrictions of Health and Safety.

Guy Fawkes has become a modern icon, symbolising political anarchism and resistance against bodies that may enforce or promote unfair treatment, oppression, and terrorism. The image of Guy Fawkes has turned from terrorist to activist, and his image has become the mask of underground hero V in the graphic novel V for Vendetta in his fight against the dystopian, fascist English state.

For those of you with a keen attention to detail and clever references, you will have also noticed that in the Harry Potter series Dumbledore’s pet phoenix is aptly named Fawkes.

So, next time you’re at a bonfire party stuffing your face with toffee apples and watching the fireworks, just remember that you’re celebrating a failed assassination attempt on the monarchy and the gruesome death of the men behind it, but hey who cares? Big bangs and pretty colours, that’s what I’m all about haha!


The Battle of Hastings – fish and chips Vs wine and cheese.



To mark the anniversary of Harold Godwinson’s coronation on this day in 1066, here is the story of how he came to gain (and lose) his crown.

As we all know, families do not come without their little squabbles. The royal families of medieval Europe were known for being quite combative with one another on account of them having all married one another. Inbreeding not only lowers the gene pool and creates some odd looking characters, it also lowers the IQ and thus rendering those further down the inbred family tree closer to a cabbage than a human being when it comes to the powers of logic and reason.

Their royal bickering wasn’t to do with who spent more on who for their birthday, or who wasn’t invited to so-and-so’s wedding, instead they fought over the thrones of Europe. It was a family rift such as this in the 11th century which lead to a slight altercation some people refer to as, The Battle of Hastings.

When king Edward the Confessor died in January of 1066 there was nobody left to officially succeed him because he had failed to produce an heir – too much time spent in the confessional and not in the bedroom methinks.

Edward was married to the only daughter of Godwin of Wessex, the most powerful family in England. With his dying breath, Edward announced his brother-in-law, Harold Godwinson (Earl of Wessex) as his successor. This caused problems almost right away because newly crowned King Harold II’s brother, Tostig and the Viking king Harald Hardrada also had their greedy little eyes on the crown.

It was at the Battle of Stamford Bridge where the dreams of a crown and potential Viking-English unification were squashed when Harold defeated both Tostig and Harald. Thus ended, as he thought, the fight for the crown, and also the confusion people were faced over being understood as to which Harold they were talking about – people felt stupid having to over pronounce
Har-O-ld and Har-A-ld; it was only after a few people were wrongly killed for treachery before the penny dropped. “Oooohhhhh, he meant the other guy….oops!”

Harold kicked back and thought that his troubles were over, but little did he know that at the same time a Frenchman was throwing all his toys out of the pram and making his way across the English Channel. The Frenchman in question was William, the Duke of Normandy. He was extremely perturbed because on one drunken night back in 1051, after a successful day playing in the England V Normandy la boule tournament; King Edward had promised William the throne. It was this verbal, albeit slurred, contract (and that they were distant cousins) which cemented William’s claim to the throne.

In September 1066 William landed in England and after securing the city of Pevensey he marched north to Hastings to pick a fight with Harold. On October 14th 1066 Harold and William (now known as ‘the Conqueror’) faced off on Senlac Hill.

William and his forces stood proudly in their ranks; infantry, archers, and cavalry all trained to the highest standard and equipped with the latest weapons. Harold’s army was a slight contrast. He stood lead a herd of poorly trained Anglo-Saxon peasants; some of them were facing the wrong direction, their helmets were often on the wrong way around, those who had swords had most likely already cut themselves with it, and the ones armed with a bow and arrow couldn’t hit a target from half a millimetre away.

Battle commenced at 9am – nice early start, they didn’t want to waste the best part of the day – and the Normans sent a constant bombardment of arrows before charging in. The Normans had to attack uphill which put them at a huge disadvantage and the English threw spears and rocks down at them.

William sent in his cavalry, a little sooner than he should have to be fair, and soon enough the left flank of his army collapsed soon retreated. In the chaos some of the English chased after the Normans and scattered themselves like mindless, bumbling sheep across the battlefield.

A rumour that William had been killed spread amongst the men. Pissed off, William removed his helmet and rallied the troops.

“erm…d’uh. I’m here, Bon-jooouuur!!!”

William led his cavalry forward and they trampled Harold’s forces which had strewn themselves about aimlessly. It became clear that due to the English army mainly being comprised of blithering idiots it would be easy to entice the rest of them out and to break rank. Pretending to retreat in a “chase me, chase me” fashion William was successful in drawing out the English like moths to a flame. Soon enough he had won the battle and gained Norman control of England.

The story goes that Harold was killed by getting an arrow through his eye, as famously depicted in the Bayeux Tapestry. In the chart topping song of the time, ‘Song of the Battle of Hastings’, it says that the Norman knights tore off Harold’s limbs and disembowelled him.

William then marched to London, where the city submitted to his rule. On Christmas Day in 1066 at Westminster Abbey William was crowned King William I of England.






Mental health patient saves France and becomes a saint.

Joan of Arc is considered a French heroine for her role during the Lancastrian phase of the Hundred Years’ War, and has since been canonized by the Roman Catholic Church as a saint.

Our story begins when Joan was about thirteen years old, it was at about noon on a summer’s day and Joan was in her father’s garden when she heard her first voice. In her own words she describes having heard a ‘voice from God to help me to govern myself’. She was apparently visited by this celestial spectre many times before she decided it was the Archangel Michael. Her story then takes a Dickensian turn when Michael told her she would also be visited by two other righteous phantoms; Saint Catherine and Saint Margaret. Sure enough the two spirits visited her. Joan had been told by the voice of Michael that she must believe and obey everything the spectres told her “for it is our Lord’s command”.

Joan reported that she continued to hear these voices counselling her for the next four years, guiding her in the mission to free her country from occupation. The female voices would instruct her on how to govern herself and primed her for ‘the greater mission’. Joan also confessed to having been visited, although not often, by the Angel Gabriel.

At the age of seventeen the tone of the voices turned to one of a more pernicious intent. The voice of Michael visited her more often and began outlining a scheme which involved the young Joan liberating her country. Joan’s response to the suggestion that she makes a militant life choice is not too dissimilar to the ‘virgin’ Mary’s response when she was told she was with child. Joan claimed that she was ‘a poor girl who knew nothing of riding and warfare’ just like Mary ‘knew not of man’. Joan came to the same natural conclusion we all would after four years of hearing conniving voices in our heads and that is that it must be the will of God. Joan said that if ‘God had commanded me to go, I must do it. And since God had commanded it, had I had a hundred fathers and a hundred mothers, and had I been a king’s daughter, I would have gone’. Yeah, alright luv.

Now, this is where we take a little step back and think about what we’ve just read. Just think about it. Someone hears multiple voices in their head; controlling their actions over a period of years which eventually climax with the demand, not suggestion, but demand, that they go out into the world with the purpose of killing a named group of people. Yes, there was already a war being waged and this order from on high was for her to join said war and liberate her country, but you can’t say that killing isn’t implied as a result of these actions. Hearing voices can point to mental health diagnoses such as psychosis, schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. Joan of Arc’s reports of hearing voices telling her to do things come just over 100 years before women were being wrongly accused by the church of the same thing, only they were being hunted and burnt at the stake for it instead of an entire country pandering to their ramblings. Whether you keep or remove the religious context of the voices in Joan’s head it is still a tad unsettling.

Joan’s situation reminds me of the Euthyphro Dilemma – a philosophical question which asks, ‘is something good because god wills it, or does god will it because it is good?’ This question on its own can be enough to addle the brain, but if you throw in a case like Joan’s it makes things a little harder. Things become even more complex when you start to also consider similar cases of divine voices such as that of Pedro Alonzo Lopez who was apprehended in 1980 for having raped and killed three-hundred young girls across South America. Pedro spent his time in prison professing his love for Jesus, reciting scripture, and carving the Lord’s likeness on any surface he could find. Lopez would praise God and thank him for bestowing this ‘great fortune’ upon him and claimed that killing these girls was ‘the work of the Lord’ and that Jesus himself had given him the power to give life and take it away. Similarly, Peter Sutcliffe “The Yorkshire Ripper” murdered thirteen women and said that he was ‘on a divine mission’ and that he had ‘heard the word of God’. You may think that these are a little extreme and nefarious comparisons to make, but they all have one thing in common, they all claim to have received the word of God instructing them to act, unkindly shall we say, toward one’s fellow man. Just because Joan of Arc went to war in the name of God and her country, does that condone her actions entirely and render her totally free from sin compared to Pedro and Peter? Neither does it declare her at completely sane. It’s worth a thought.


So, after receiving her heavenly orders Joan petitioned the local garrison commander, Robert de Baudricourt, for an armed guard to accompany her to the French Royal Court at Chinon. She gave the very convincing argument of, “I must be by the King’s side, there will be no help for the kingdom if not from me”. You can appreciate why the commander initially refused her plea, how can a young girl make such a claim. But he didn’t know that Jesus was her homeboy. Finally she was granted an escort and arrived at the Royal Court for an audience with Charles VII. Joan asked if she could tag along on the relief mission to Orléans, but not before she received full armour, a banner, a horse, and a sword – to help forcefully enlighten her enemy with the word of God.

Not long after her arrival in Orléans she managed to turn the well-established Anglo-French war, which started off as a bickering over the rightful ascension to the French throne, into a religious conflict. Charles’ advisers warned that unless Joan’s belief could be recognised without a doubt, and that she was neither a heretic nor a sorceress, then the allegation could be made that Charles’ crown was a gift from the devil. Remembering a quote from one of his favourite films, “if you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball”, Charles ordered a full inquiry and theological examination to confirm Joan’s moral standing – he can deal with losing a few more battles, but the accusation of his crown being fought for by an instrument of evil was much worse. In 1429 the inquiry declared Joan to be, ‘of irreproachable life, a good Christian, possessed with the virtues of humanity, honesty, and simplicity.’ Theologically speaking there was no evidence to support the claim of divine guidance, but at least her morals were sound (erm….ok).

In March 1430 there was a truce with England and Joan became bored from not getting what she wanted. She decided to occupy her time by dictating (because she was illiterate) threatening letters to the Hussites. The Hussites were a rebellious group who had broken away from the Catholic Church over one or two points of doctrine. They believed in such atrocities as freedom of preaching, Holy Communion in both forms (bread and wine), poverty of the clergy and the expropriation of church property, and punishment of notorious sinners. This group had come under numerous attacks and so far managed to defeat all crusades against them. Joan’s letter was warm and from the heart, she promised to, “Remove your madness and foul superstition, taking away either your heresy or your lives”. She also sent a letter to the English, which seems a little unrealistic in the terms she lays out. She demanded the English leave France, but that they also join forces with her and march on Bohemia to destroy the Hussites. The English did not respond. “new number, who this?”

Joan was a zealous Catholic who hated all forms of heresy and also Islam, not very nice if you ask me *religious extremism alarm bells ring in the distance* she sounds like a frenzied young lady, a true Christian, and full of the religious love known as Agapé (sarcasm intended).

Surprisingly, the truce with England came to an end. Joan hopped straight back on the militant bandwagon and traveled to Compiègne to defend the city against a siege of English and Burgundian troops. In 1430 she was part of a group who tried to attack the Burgundian camp at Margny, but unfortunately this preachy teenager and her friends were ambushed and captured, Joan agreed to

Joan remained in custody until her trial for heresy in 1431. The trial was offiated entirely by pro-English and Burgundian clerics and commanders including the Duke of Bedford and the Earl of Warwick. Bishop Cauchon owed his position to his biased support of the English crown and under ecclesiastical law he lacked authority over the case. With minimal to no evidence against Joan the court had no grounds take her to trial, but they did so anyway. The court also broke a few more rules by not allowing impartial clergy to be in attendance (a requirement in heresy trials) and neither did they grant her legal counsel – perhaps they thought her seraphim advisor might show up to support her instead, but alas no such supernatural being appeared.

Trial records contain astonishing statements from Joan. Known to be illiterate and uneducated she somehow managed to escape the theological bear traps laid out before her; the most famous trap being a subtle one. When asked if she knew she was in God’s grace she gave the answer, “if I am not, may God put me there; and if I am, may God so keep me.” This seems like a simple question, but the scholarly trap lies in the reasoning that Church doctrine dictates that no one could be certain of being in God’s grace. If Joan had answered with a resounding yes, she would have been found guilty of heresy, and if she had said no, she would have confessed herself a liar.

The illiterate girl signed a document renouncing her claims under the threat of immediate execution. The court however were still not satisfied and wanted to obtain further justice. Heresy was a capital offence, but only for repeat offenders and therefore more fuel had to be added to the fire. Multiple offences of cross-dressing were added to the accusations, humorous considering the men at the time wore tights, elaborate tunics with enormously flared sleeves, and a Chaperon (type of hat) which was mega fancy. Joan had been wearing military clothing throughout her entire campaign and had reportedly been wearing the same clothing whilst in prison. She defended her wearing military clothing in prison through fear of being raped, a woman’s dress offered zero protection whereas her uniform enabled her to fasten her hosen and tunic together into one piece making access to her nether yaya. After signing her confession under the threat of execution she had briefly gone back to wearing women’s attire, but had reported that some of the prison guards had tried to molest her and went back to wearing military clothing. The court considered this a relapse of her cross-dressing heresy and added it to the list of offences. These accusations were later appealed when the court case was reviewed after the war. It states in the Summa Theologica by St Thomas Aquinas that necessity would be a permissible excuse for cross-dressing; this would include the use of clothing to protect oneself against rape.

Joan of Arc was found guilty as charged and sentenced to death. On 30th May 1431 she was tied to a tall pillar at the Vieux-Marché in Rouen and burnt alive. Joan had requested that two clergymen stood before her and hold a crucifix. After her death the English cleared away the coals and debris to expose her scorched remains to eliminate any claims that she had escaped. Her body was then burnt twice more to prevent anyone from collecting any relics and her ashes were cast into the River Seine.joan-of-arc-19th-century

In 1456 Pope Callixtus III authorised an enquiry into the trial and officially declared Joan innocent and a martyr. In 1803 Napoleon Bonaparte announced her as a national symbol of France and in 1920 she was canonized.

So, Saint Joan of Arc – French heroine, religious zealot, or fruit loop? You decide.

The Great Global Pissup!

The New Year is observed on January 1st, the first day of the year on the modern Gregorian calendar as well as the Julian calendar, and there you were thinking the only type of calendar was the Boys of Hollyoaks.

In pre-Christian Rome, before all the significant artwork was destroyed and things were cool, they used the Julian calendar and New Year’s day was dedicated to the god Janus, god of gateways and beginnings, the month of January gets it’s name from the god of “new year, new me”.

As a date in the Gregorian calendar of holy and oppressive Christendom, New Year’s Day ritually marked the Feast of the Naming and Circumcision of Jesus, which is still observed as such in the Anglican Church and Lutheran Church. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather celebrate new beginnings in the Roman tradition rather than get drunk, and suffer the subsequent hangover, in the name of a child having the end of his penis chopped off.

Today, with most countries now using the Gregorian calendar as their means of tracking what day it is, New Year’s Day is probably the most celebrated public holiday. Commonly observed with fireworks at the stroke of midnight, health and safely risk assessmet permitting of corse. Other global New Years’ Day traditions include making New Year’s resolutions, calling one’s friends and family, and there is usually an argument thrown into the mix at some point.

It was way back in 2000BC Mesopotamia (that’s modern-day, U.S. Armed forces playground known as, Iraq to you lot) that the idea of celebrating the new year first came about in mid-March at the time of the vernal equinox. Sticking with this time of year the early Roman calendar assigned the start of the new year to March 1st. At the time the Roman calendar ony had ten months, the first of which being March. To those of you with enough intrigue to have noticed, this would explain why the names of the months are a little skew-wiff; October is the tenth month, but doesn’t octo mean eight? You know, like an OCTOpus? This is because our modern day ninth to twelfth months were originally seventh to tenth – septem is Latin for seven, octo is eight, novem is nine, and decem is ten. The months of January and February weren’t invented until 700BC when the Roman king Numa Pintalis thought he’d shake things up a bit.

The new year was shifted to January 1st in 153BC for no reason other than to streamline things a little. The beginning of the civil year fell on January 1st, this was when the two newly appointed consuls would start their tenure. It’s kind of like us deciding to move the new year to April 1st because that’s the start of the tax year (and when your annual leave in work gets renewed). Having said that, this new year date was a little unruly and wasn’t always celebrated as universally as hoped, some people who “don’t like change” still clung on to March 1st as the start of their new year.

After Julius Caesar reformed the calendar in 46 BC, what is known as the Julian Calendar, he was was famously assassinated. A murderous act brought about following a bitching session between vexed members of the Senate who no longer knew what day of the friggin’ month it was. Later, after the new calendar had been explained and understood, the Senate made the the decison, most likely driven by awkward guilt and regret, to deify Julius Caesar on January 1st.

In 567 AD the Council of Tours, a Roman Catholic council who brought you popular limitations such as the rule that priests and monks shall never marry or share the company of a member of the opposite sex, also decided to abolish January 1 as the beginning of the year. At various times and in various places throughout medieval Christian Europe, the new year was celebrated on Dec. 25, the birth of Jesus; March 1; March 25, the Feast of the Annunciation; and Easter. The Council of Tours took a universally agreed day of celebration and fucked it so now, again, we didn’t know our arse from our elbow with regards to when the new year actually began.
Staying with the theme of religion we turn our attentions to the pagans of Flanders and the Netherlands in the 7th century. They would enjoy celebrating the first day of the new year and exchanging gifts with oneanother, but this happy and innocent custom was condemned by Saint Eligius who reprimanded them by saying they should NOT set tables, exchange gifts, or “supply superfluous drinks”. Party pooper!

In England, up until 1752, the first day of the new year was recognized on the 25th March on the Feast of the Annunciation, also called “Lady Day” (not to be confused with ladies day when you put on a big hat and a nice dress and go to Doncaster races to drink enough Prosecco to sedate a racehourse). After 1752 January 1st was yet again reinstated as the first day of the new year and was officially baptized as such by Pope Gregory.

There are of course some alternatives to January 1st, Chinese new year for example is celebrated on the first day of the lunar calendar and falls between 20th January and 20th February. Similarly, the Islamic calendar is also based on the lunar cycles and the start of the year changes each time around. Ethiopian new year is celebrated on September 11th at the end of the summer rainy season. In Thailand the new year begins on April 13th or 14th and people traditionally celebrate by splashing blessed water on one another. Finally, we come to Gwuan Valley, Pembrokeshire, Wales who have decided to give a big “fuck you” to the rest of the British Isles and extend the limbo time between Christmas and New Year by over a fortnight and celebrate on January 13th.

The first day of the new year is a time for us to reflect on the year that has just passed and to look forward to what lies ahead. Many people will make a new year’s resolution, but not all will stick to it. A lot of people stride through the doors of their local gym to (yet again) strike up a membership contract whilst reciting the affirmation, “new year, new me”, only to leave the gym never to be seen again. For the majority of us new year’s day is spent crying into a McDonalds burger whilst watching nature programs as the cumulative festive period hangover begins to kick in.

Around the world there are various other traditions, which all sounds a little more exciting than what us Brits tend to do. In the Philippines a lot of noise is made using fireworks, horns etc to drive out the evil spirits of the previous year and to prevent them from dragging their bad luck into the new one.

There is something called the Polar Bear Club who’s members will revel in plunging themselves into ice-cold waters in order to wash off the old year and embrace the new year with shivvery vigor.

2016 has been a challenging year for us all, and with the forboding inauguration of Donald Trump, I am not too certain 2017 will be much better, but let’s try and kick it’s butt anyway.


The black death part deux; Inferno of death!! Side note: no rats were blamed in the destruction of seventeenth century London.

Just when the people of London thought they could breathe a sigh of relief at having survived the Great Plague of 1665 some more shit hits the fan. Much like 2016, just when you think things can’t possibly get any worse a dumb, racist, misogynistic, fucktard muppet gets elected as president of the United States, it just doesn’t get better.

1666 was going as well as it could be considering two hundred thousand people had died from plague the previous year. The optimists, who thought that things could only get better, should have taken the advice of those suffering from hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia (fear of the number 666) because the year of the devil really was going to live up to its name.

On the night of September 2nd a baker called Thomas Farriner had been up all evening practicing his Fougasse as he was planning on entering Great British Bake Off. After a few failed attempts and cursing Paul Hollywood the baker went to bed. His maid stayed up to clean away the flour covered kitchen, but neglected to put out the oven. The heat of the oven caused sparks which ignited and set the wooden home ablaze. In a guilt ridden panic the maid tried, and failed, to climb out of the window and became one of the few victims of the fire.

With the city of London being made predominantly out of wood at the time and with the recent summer having been very dry it made perfect kindling for the fire. Spreading quickly from one house to another it travelled fast. Three hundred houses vanished in no time and a strong wind carried the flames even further.

Fires were quite common back in them olden days and the fire brigade were quite well equipped, but not enough to tackle this. When the Lord Mayor, Sir Thomas Bloodworth, was roused from his beauty sleep to be told of the devastation unfolding in the city he apparently came back with “A woman could piss it out” and went back to bed with zero fucks given.

Chaos spread through the city as people tried to escape the fire and make their way to the opposite side of the river. As with any disaster many people also flocked towards it, if the iphone had been invented that shit would have been trending all over the internet in no time at all.

Samuel Pepys, who was a clerk to the Privy of the Seal, scampered off to inform King Charles II. Because he was super cool and cared for his country, except for that one time during the plague when he ran off to the country to avoid contracting bubonic plague, Charles immediately ordered that all the houses which lay in the path of the fire be torn down in an attempt to create a ‘fire break’. Alas, the fire continued. Fire fighters, now with the help of the King himself, continued to fight the blaze. They tried using gunpowder to blow up buildings and create an even bigger fire break, but that didn’t work either and it also created additional drama, the sound of the explosions lead the already panicked citizens to believe the French were attacking!!


Good guy King Charles II

On the contrary, when news of the Great Fire reached the French court in gay Paree a week later, King Louis XIV publically ordered that he would not tolerate “any rejoicings about the Great Fire, being such a deplorable accident involving injury to so many unhappy people”. Aaah that’s nice of him! The Venetian ambassador in Paris declared that this accident “will be memorable through all the centuries” – yup, got that right! Louis also offered to send food and provisions to ease the suffering of those who suffered as a result of the blaze. This was all kind of cool of Louis considering that he had been dragged into the Anglo-Dutch war (allying themselves with the Dutch) due to a treaty he accidentally signed back in 1662, despite him having neither the inclination nor the navy to come out and play war.

For four days the blaze ravaged over half of the city and despite the worst of the flames now extinguished some parts of the city would continue to burn for months afterwards. The fire came to a halt after the wind, which had previously been responsible for aiding the fire’s speedy advance, changed direction and turned the blaze back on itself and therefore leaving it nothing more to burn.

More than thirteen thousand houses, eighty-seven churches, and fourty-four livery halls were raised to the ground, the historic city gates were severely damaged, but luckily the Tower had remained unscathed. St Paul’s Cathedral was also lost the the blaze. The heat of the fire was so intense that the lead roof melted and reports tell of the streets flowing with molted lead. The loss of the cathedral, and pretty much the whole city, opened up the opportunity to redesign and replan it from scratch, like a phoenix out of the ashes our beautiful capital rose under the guidance and design of Sir Christopher Wren, and the jewel in his crown was the new St Paul’s Cathedral (completed in 1711).


Dramatic Hollywood reenactment of the Great Fire of London.

There is one report from the Great Fire which is a little odd, and as bizarre as it sounds I am lead to believe it. Apparently the main bulk of fatalities belonged not to citizens (records show only five people died in the fire), but to pigeons. Yep, you read that correctly, pigeons. Those fuckers were apparently too stubborn to leave their nests and when they finally decided to evacuate their feathered were singed and burned and they tumbled down into the world’s biggest BBQ.

It wasn’t all doom and gloom however, the inferno had successfully cleansed the city and totally eradicated the remnants of plague. The Fleet, which was basically an open river of disease and poo that ran through the streets and into the river was literally boiled and sterilized. No more slums, no more problems.

To one small group of parliamentarians, led by John Rathbone and William Saunders, the Great Fire  has saved them a job. Earlier that year in April there was a plot to assassinate the King, overthrow and government and wipe the city off the face of the earth by lowering the portcullis and burning it to the ground.

Another side story from that year was that of a lady called Elizabeth Styles, you know, Harry’s great great great great nan. She claimed that five months previously a Frenchman had approached her and predicted that there “would not be a house left between Temple Bar and London Bridge.” I’m not too sure how reliable this story is, she might have been pissed up on Pinot Grigio one night and misinterpreted a Frenchman’s broken english when he was trying to ask for directions to ze local maison de whores.

So, yeah we had a pretty shitty time with another bout of plague and then a fire of biblical proportions, but out of destruction comes new life and London is one cool-ass place.

Accidental biological warfare and annihilation of almost everyone in Europe and Asia. Side note: the rat was NOT to blame!


The Black Death (or Plague), much like the Xenomorph, is the perfect killing organism. Ignoring the 2010 Sean Bean film, this is the real tale of the Black Death. Witches didn’t do it, but Sean Bean most certainly would have died.

Geneticists believe the plague originated in China during the thirteenth century. Widespread famine in 1331 caused by a decline in farming as a result of Mongol conquest was thought to have been devastating enough, but that turned out to just be the pre-drinks to the intercontinental plague party.  Before reaching Constantinople in 1347 it is thought that the plague had killed approximately twenty-five million Chinese and other citizens across Asia.

The plague was supposedly brought to Europe by a fleet of Genoese trading ships returning from the city of Kaffa in the Crimea in 1347. What had happened was that whilst staying in Kaffa the sailors had become infected after witnessing the Mongol army sieging the city and utilising the ingenious, and gruesome, tactic of catapulting infected and plague ridden corpses over the city walls in order to infect the city. Fleeing Kaffa the Genoese fleet carried the plague with them to the port of Messina in Sicily. As the people of Messina gathered on the docks to meet them they were faced with a horrifying sight. Almost all of the sailors were dead and those left alive were gravely ill. The men were suffering from fever, severe pain, and were covered in black boils which oozed blood and pus!! The authorities swiftly banished the “death ships” and off they went, some of the ships reached Pisa, Venice, and Marseille. From there the plague made its devastating and pestilent advance across Europe.

Carving a widespread path of death the plague infected Europe. The only places which seemed unscathed by the disease were those which had minimal trade relationships such as Poland and Basque Country, also the Netherlands and remote Alpine villages – it pays to be introverted and antisocial, so next time your mum shouts at you for never coming out of your bedroom just inform her that when the next plague epidemic happens you’ll be a survivor.

Here’s the science part! Clever people in white coats now understand that the Black Death is spread by a bacillus called Yersina Pestis, discovered by French biologist Alexandre Yersin in the nineteenth century. The plague could manifest in three ways; bubonic, pneumonic, and septicemic. Bacteria could travel through the air, as well as through the bites of infected fleas – NOT RATS! The fleas carrying the disease were hitching a ride on the backs of ground rodents such as gerbils, marmots, and yes, rats – but it wasn’t the rats themselves which caused the plague, they were just as much of a victim as we were and have had to take the eternal blame for it.

The most popular symptoms were the large black boils which would manifest around the groin, neck and armpits and they were full of blood and all manner of ick! In time the boils and rashes spread across the body and victims would suffer from fever, respiratory difficulties, and vomiting blood.

At the time there seemed to be no explanation for this magna mortalitas and the grim events were terrifyingly confusing. One doctor at the time gave his expert opinion on the disease as thus; ‘instantaneous death occurs when the aerial spirit escaping from the eyes of the sick man strikes the healthy person standing near and looking at the sick’. I’m not 100% certain that aerial spirits escaping from your eyes have the means to carry bubonic plague, but then again I haven’t been to medical school so what do I know?!

If you were unlucky enough to catch plague a cross would be painted on your front door to alert your neighbours and advertise your malady. You would most likely be visited by the plague doctor. This friendly neighbourhood physician (who most often lacked official medical training) would fraudulently attempt to cure you in exchange for monies. They wore a uniform which resembled some kind of fucked up penguin. Their outfit consisted of a long robe and a mask with glass eyes and a beak shaped nose which was stuffed with herbs and spices. They would also carry a cane which would be used to examine their patients, and perhaps also distribute euthenasia when noone was looking.


Crude medical procedures such as bloodletting, using leeches, and lancing boils, which were not only disgusting, but unsanitary, were relied upon heavily. It also fell upon mystical and superstitious rites for example, burning herbs and bathing in vinegar or rose water to try and prevent or cure the disease.

In 1348 the plague had spread so quickly that doctors and government officials had little to no time to reflect upon how to tackle it, about a third of the population (and probably most of the doctors and government officials) had already perished before a crisis meeting could be organised.

With the vast majority believing that the Black Death was sent down to punish mankind by that good old omnibenevolent guy known as God, the most common reaction was the power of prayer and religious ceremony. What had we done which was so terrible to justify such widespread death? Apparently the sins for which we were being punished for included blasphemy, heresy, fornication, and worldliness. That’s one way to dumb down and control the masses, tell them that if they don’t stop using foul language, travelling outside of their own village and procreating they’ll end up causing apocalyptic death plague.

This “logic” dictates that the only way to try and reverse this pestilence is to win God over and ask for forgiveness. How do we do this you may ask? Apparently the best way to go about winning God’s love and forgiveness is to utilise the most Christian of virtues and purge your community of those who were ‘troublemakers’, malformed, and guilty of heresy. By lashing out at people, and in some cases breaking the sixth commandment (thou shall not kill), you could win God’s favour and be free from plague. Some people decided that the best approach was to join a procession of flagellants, travelling from town to town and publically punishing yourself as an act of penance. Unsure what self-flagellation is? It is the act of beating yourself, and each other, with heavy leather straps studded with sharp metal – sounds productive doesn’t it? Flagellants would give performances three times a day for thirty-three and a half days before moving their pantomime on to the next town. As much as the flagellant movement provided comfort, or morbid amusement, to their audience it did however concern the Pope after it had gone a little too far and he called an end to that shit.

The plague effected everyone indiscriminately; old, young, rich, poor, heretics, and archbishops alike. Healthy people did everything in their power to avoid those infected, providing support and comfort from a distance by, most probably, poking them with a broom held at arm’s length and saying, “there there”, whilst the poor bastard spewed up a lung. Some people figured that the best way to avoid plague was to run away from it, literally! Throughout Europe people were seen sprinting across open countryside, screaming until their lungs gave out, they became exhausted, and most likely collapsed in a ditch and caught plague anyway. The disease effected cows, sheep, goats, pigs, and chickens so it really was impossible to escape. Apparently, so many sheep died that one of the consequences was a continental shortage of wool – fortunately Wales had enough sheep to help boost the ovine population.  In the end it was so bad that doctors refused to treat patients and priests denied the dying of their last rites – that’s compassion for you.

The Black Death was the worst catastrophe in recorded history; the death toll surpassed any other natural disaster or war, destroying a higher percentage of the population than any other single event. It was noted at the time that the living were scarcely sufficient to bury the dead. It is estimated that over a three to four year period a total of fifty million people died in Europe. Some rural communities were completely wiped out, and in crowded cities it was not uncommon for half the population to die. With our modern technology we are able to keep up with current affairs around the globe, but in medieval times there was no such thing as Twitter or BBC News so as far as they were concerned this was a dark and gruesome apocalypse and eeeeeveryone was going to die!


Bodies were disposed of in mass burial pits and more recently it has been discovered, following archaeological research in London, that some were buried in small individual graves. The individual grave burials were most likely dating from the early days of the plague because as time went on and the bodies piled up those left behind probably just wanted to get rid of the corpses as quickly as possible, and also there was no fucker left to take the time out to dig thousands of one person graves.

The Black Death, as previously mentioned, was the deadliest attack of plague in history. Later in 1665 Britain we had The Great Plague (was it great because it wasn’t quite as epic as the Black Death or because it was in Britain, which is great). There was another occurrence of the disease in Asia during the 1890s.  The plague has never really gone away, it has stayed lurking on the bacterial black market of Asia, breaking out again in the 1990s in Surat and then popping up once more most recently during 2013 in Kyrgyzstan to kill just one herdsman.

Luckily, with our better understanding of disease and sanitation the impact of the disease can be kept to a minimum and we shouldn’t see such high mortality rates as were inflicted during the Black Death. Also, if it does come out of the woodwork and start killing people again at least we now know that it is not the innocent rat to blame, it’s those pesky fleas!!

I suppose the only thing we have left to cause a devastating pandemic is the zombie apocalypse……